Stories of Stewardship in the
Mackay-Whitsunday-Isaac region
The Above and Beyond publication created by the Healthy Rivers to Reef Partnership (HR2RP) is a celebration of waterway projects and initiatives underway or completed in the Mackay-Whitsunday-Isaac region. These actions are undertaken by the partnership organisations, individuals, local business and community organisations to improve our environment and contribute to healthy rivers and Reef.
So why a stewardship report?
In recognising that the Report Card demonstrates results and technical data, the HR2RP partnership identified that there was an opportunity to showcase the activities that aim to improve these scores.
In 2019, we launched the inaugural Stewardship Report with the mission of sharing a handful of the great stories that provide a snapshot of the improved outcomes that are being achieved. These stories demonstrate the significant work that is being led by active members in the partnership and undertaken in our community.
What will you find in this edition?
The 2023 edition is a great showcase of the breadth and diversity of projects currently underway or recently completed in the Mackay, Whitsunday and Isaac regions to maintain and improve the health of our waterways and Great Barrier Reef. From investment, monitoring, on-ground action and everything in between, Partners are working together and combining their resources, individual strengths and expertise to deliver effective Stewardship outcomes.
This year’s Stewardship Report – Above and Beyond 2023 is intended to be read alongside the 2022 Report Card (released in July 2023). We hope you enjoy reading these stories, and learning more about the HR2RP members and their work.
If you would like physical copies for your school, business or organisation please contact us.
Read previous editions on our Partnership Reports page.