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Southern Inshore Monitoring Program
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Whitsundays Litter Monitoring
Reef Fish Citizen Science Data Assessment
Carmila Creek Estuary Study
FAQ Partnership
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Our Region
The Catchments
Don River Basin
Proserpine Basin
Pioneer River Basin
O’Connell River Basin
Plane Creek Basin
Historical Context and Causes for Water Quality Decline in the Whitsunday Region
Cyclone Debbie Regional Feature
Coral Bleaching
Our Partners
Partner Testimonials
Above and Beyond – Stewardship Report
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Technical Reports
Urban Water Stewardship Framework
Cultural Heritage Assessments
Social and Economic Values
About the Report Card System
Where Do We Fit In?
What do we report on?
Where Do We Get Our Data?
Report Card Program Design
Report Card FAQ
About Us
Our team
Our Partners
Join us
Partnership Reports
Southern Inshore Monitoring Program
Project Blueprint
Whitsundays Litter Monitoring
Reef Fish Citizen Science Data Assessment
Carmila Creek Estuary Study
FAQ Partnership
Partners Login
Photo Library
Our Region
The Catchments
Don River Basin
Proserpine Basin
Pioneer River Basin
O’Connell River Basin
Plane Creek Basin
Historical Context and Causes for Water Quality Decline in the Whitsunday Region
Cyclone Debbie Regional Feature
Coral Bleaching
Our Partners
Partner Testimonials
Above and Beyond – Stewardship Report
Search for Partners Activities
Submit an Activity
Report Card
Latest Report Card
Technical Reports
Urban Water Stewardship Framework
Cultural Heritage Assessments
Social and Economic Values
About the Report Card System
Where Do We Fit In?
What do we report on?
Where Do We Get Our Data?
Report Card Program Design
Report Card FAQ
Submit an Activity
Our Partners
Submit an Activity
Submit a new activity
-- select a Organisation --
A New Organisation
Australian Government
Conservation Volunteers Australia
CQ University
Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminal
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
Isaac Regional Council
Mackay Conservation Group
Mackay Recreational Fishers Alliance
Mackay Regional Council
North Qld Bulk Ports
NQ Dry Tropics
Pioneer Catchment Landcare
Queensland Government
Queensland Resources Council
Reef Catchments
Regional Development Australia
Sarina Landcare Catchment Management Association Inc.
The Mackay-Whitsunday Traditional Owner Reference Group
Tourism Whitsundays
Whitsunday Catchment Landcare
Whitsunday Regional Council
If your organisation is not listed in the above field, please choose 'Other' and enter it below
Organisation other
Key contact person
Please enter your first and last name
Position in organisation
Activity Details
Name Of Activity
Activity Type
-- select a Activity Type --
agricultural projects (e.g. projects to improve water quality and/or soil health)
climate change projects (e.g. adaptation planning and risk assessments)
coastal projects (e.g. litter clean up, wetland restoration)
educational initiatives (e.g. schools programs, community initiatives)
erosion and sediment control projects (e.g. stream bank stabilisation, sediment retention basins)
land management (e.g. revegetation, pest and weed management)
science and research (e.g. monitoring activities, trials of innovative practices or new equipment)
stormwater/wastewater management (e.g installation of improved management systems)
waterway projects (e.g. fish ladder installation, aquatic weed removal)
Please choose one
Activity Type - Other
You've chosen "Other" for activity type, please specify here a new type that we don't have listed
Description of activity
Please provide a brief description of the activity.
Activity Location
I only want to choose a region
I want to choose the exact location on a map
Activity location
Central inshore zone
Don catchment
Northern inshore zone
O'Connell catchment
Offshore zone
Pioneer catchment
Plane catchment
Proserpine catchment
Southern inshore zone
Whitsunday inshore zone
Select more than one location if applicable
Please drag the pin on the map above to the location where you conduct your activity.
Use for saving Lat Long value of the choice on Google Map
Activity indicators
water quality in freshwater river basins
habitat and hydrology in freshwater river basins
fauna (fish community health and/or macroinvertebrates) in freshwater river basins
water quality in estuarine zones
habitat and hydrology in estuarine zones
fauna (fish community health and/or macroinvertebrates) in estuarine river basins
water quality in inshore marine zones
coral health in inshore marine zones
seagrass health in inshore marine zones
fauna (fish) health in inshore marine zones
water quality in the offshore zone
coral health in the offshore zone
fauna (fish) health in the offshore zone
Which of the report card's environmental indicators is your activity aiming to directly or indirectly influence
Frequency and timeframes
Activity Start Date
Choose the first of the month if no exact date is available
Activity End Date
Choose the first day of the month if no exact date is available
Website URL
Please provide the website URL if information about the program and/or data is available online
Please provide the name of project partners (if any)