
Out at Finch Hatton State School, CVA is building a butterfly garden. The native habitat around the school is quite degraded, and our volunteers will be on this project from day one! The first step will be preparing the site by removing the invasive weeds. We will also be building a small nursery to locally propagate desirable plants for butterflies. Next we will be planting the trees, shrubs, and creepers that attract butterflies. Finally we will be visiting the site over the course of several months to check on it and maintain it.

Monitoring Organisation Conservation Volunteers Australia

Name Skye Salisbury-Briggs

Phone 07 4951 0933

Email ssalisburybriggs@cva.org.au

Position in organisation Volunteer Engagement Officer

Activity Type land management (e.g. revegetation, pest and weed management)

Activity Indicators

Activity location Pioneer catchment

Frequency of monitoring

Monitoring Start Date 01/09/2017


Location of monitoring data

Date quality / confidence

Website URL http://conservationvolunteers.com.au/

Collaborators Finch Hatton State School

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